Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars were introduced in the year 1981 and they were a success from the very beginning. These cigars are distinguishable by their unfinished heads. Made from all natural tobacco, each stick tapers down a frayed foot, rendering a rustic look and offering an intensely aromatic smoke. Buy Backwoods Honey Berry Online
Backwoods Cigars come in a foil airtight pouch, which retains the cigars unique taste and aroma and also maintains a relatively high moisture level. These cigars have a strongly flavored filler and a mild-bodied smoke which lends them a certain macho appeal. These cigars are made of a 100% natural blend of mellow tobaccos and are infused with sweet honey berry flavors. They come in a box of 40 pieces, divided into 8 packs of 5.
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